
Friday, December 09, 2005

Made up lives.....

So I stole this from Trista's blog so here goes.....

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL MEMORY OF YOU AND ME.It can be anything you want--good or bad--BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.

Oh, for fun, type failure into a google search and click on I'm feeling lucky. Have a laugh. Miserable failure used to work as well. You used to be able to search for the weapons of mass destruction on google, and get a made up Microsoft error window, which lead to a book of poerty written by Ashcroft.


Faith said...

Wendy, I don't know if you even remember this. But one day we were outside playing Barbies, and we got bored. So instead of playing Barbies, we started playing teenager. I remember being "in love" with Donny Osmond, and I'm not sure who you were in love with. But you got mad at me at school one day, and told everybody in our class that I was in love with Donny Osmond. I never lived it down.

Guess it was a good thing I ended up moving to Albany, Georgia, after that, huh?


Trista said...

So I was going to put on my favorite black shirt, and I couldn't find it. So I looked all over and still couldn't find it. I even looked in the trunk of my car. No shirt. THEN I remembered that YOU borrowed it last. That night? You remember? The tequila? The body glitter? During the last night of last year's legistlative session? The too-late dash to the bathroom at the capitol and your shirt covered in glittery vomit? I let you take my black shirt cause I was doing the "layered look" with a flannel shirt over the tee-shirt?
Do you still have my shirt? Does it still smell like purple-spangled hork?

I guess I don't need it back.

Anonymous said...

Someone asked me the other day what the funniest thing was to ever happen... I started laughing so hard I almost had a heartattack when I remembered that one time, at Disneyland... The wheelchair to get to the front of the lines? And you pretending to be in labor in it during the Electric Light Parade? Oh my hell, I will NEVER forget the look on that poor attendant's face when he had to stop the ENTIRE PARADE to let you through...

stockingup99 said...

Remember the day we swam in Lake Erie, bobbing up an down on the waves.

Nicu Blinkies