
Saturday, November 25, 2006


I was over playing games last night at the home of two dear friends. While there, the one trying to get pregnant took a pregnancy test and it came back a BFN.

I just hate infertility. It just sucks.

You know who you are, but I am so very sorry about your BFN. I had my fingers crossed for your family to add the new family member you desire.

I've been there. I had a way to long cycle, and I was sure I was pregnant. No, my hormones were so screwed up that I had not had a period for 3 months. I had to take medicine to start my period.

I hate peeing on a stick. Until Sydney, that stick had never even given me any glimmer that I was pregnant. No faint line, no maybe, no hint of hope.

That is what you have to have to survive infertility. Hope. Courage. Love.

Hang onto your hope. There were times that this seemed hopeless for us, but there always is something to hope for.

It is a tremendous act of courage to TTC again after a BFN. You want something so simple, but it is so very hard.

Hang onto the love of your spouse. Your spouse hurts as you do. Don't let infertility drive a wedge between you. You will need each others love to get through the hard times.

I hope I'm not coming off preachy, that is not my desire. I just wanted to share a bit of what I learned through our infertility journey.

1 comment:

Trista said...

Thank you.

Nicu Blinkies