
Monday, March 05, 2007


Here is a short list of things which must be accomplished before we leave for LA...


  1. Change return air DONE!!!
  2. Change car rental Got a great deal though Hotwire.


  1. Find out how to transport frozen breast milk... ie what type of ice packs I can use Answer after 15 minutes on hold: See through gel type packs
  2. Get a neighbor to feed the cats.
  3. Pump and additional 4-8 ounces for the grand total of 20 which I wish to leave with our friends watching Sydney for the whole day. I have 11 ounces now!
  4. Buy Imax tickets to guarantee entrance to Star Wars exhibit.
  5. Call credit union to tell them we are going on vacation so they don't freeze our cards like last time.

Find, organize, and charge the following electronic devices and their cords - clearning memory as needed:

  1. Camcorder
  2. Camera
  3. Ipods (update playlists)
  4. Trouble shoot DVD drive on Vince's laptop (shows as working fine, won't play.)
  5. Laptop
  6. Cell phones - Decide if we are switching service before or after we go. No, I'm too busy.
  7. Install camera and editing footage onto laptop.
  8. Set DVD player to record 24
  9. Breast pump and accessories

Figure out by Thursday:

  1. What type of clothes to pack - winter or spring?
  2. How many clothes we need to purchase
  3. Go clothes shopping on Wednesday
  4. Do we need more luggage?
  5. What are we using for carryons/bags at parks
  6. Buy locks to lock diaper bag to stroller and stroller to fence. DH is worried about them getting stolen.
  7. Buy new gel type clear ice packs.


  1. Laundry
  2. kitchen
  3. Living room
  4. downstairs bathroom
  5. Empty trash cans and fridge of spoilage on Friday night.


  1. Logs must be current (my own rule, I am 3 months behind)
  2. PCP's scheduled
  3. Office cleaned.


  1. Electronic gear
  2. clothes for 3.
  3. personal care items
  4. dressy outfit for both DH and I
  5. Figure out bags for car seat/stroller and checking these. We are gate checking these. Sydney HATES the car seat, so I imagine that we will use the stroller to carry the car seat while I wear her. We do have a travel system, which is very nice. I read to never check the car seat with your luggage because if it gets delayed you are stuck at the airport with no carseat. If you gate check it, the you have the best chance of it actually making your flight.

Just looking at this list, I am overwhelmed.

I hate traveling with the whole damn house, but I see no other options. We will go from Saturday to Wednesday am with no access to laundry. I'm thinking I need at least 6 (maybe 8) outfits for baby girl.

1 comment:

Plant Girl said...

Are you gate checking the stroller/carseat? If so, I wouldn't worry about bags for them. When I went to Michigan with Katie I only got minor scuffs on the carseat, nothing to be concerned about (IMO). Personally I say to gate check them both, especially if they're a travel system. It makes moving through the airports so much easier!

Nicu Blinkies