
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Up 2

So I had a bad week.

Ate too much fatty food on the fourth. Ate too little other days. Ate way to much yesterday at the local city fair.

I'm trying to think positive. Even though I over did it, I did better than I would have before starting Weight Watchers. I did not over eat. I shared a plate with Vince. I stopped eating my Chinese at half and did not clean my plate. I turned down Dawn's leftovers, even though I LOVE LOVE LOVE what she had. (Fried Chinese lo mein. YUMMY). I did not have a cotton candy or a Fried Twinkies, both of which I really wanted.

I'm wondering though is the I did better than the past a real idea, or just justification. I'm not sure. On some levels it is progress, on others it is just an excuse.

Things I will do this week to have a better week:

  1. Go grocery shopping so there is healthy food in my kitchen.
  2. Count. I did not track last week.
  3. Monitor portion sizes.
  4. Attend the meeting next week as well. I only weighed in last week, skipped the meeting.
  5. Keep a positive attitude.
  6. Take Sydney for a walk in the evening 3 times this week.

So those are my goals. Do-able I think.

Last week I was really chaffing at the counting and writing it down, mostly because Vince is so over the top with it he is driving me bonkers. I can keep my points written down and still remain me.

I've done imagery for how I want this afternoon to go. I am going to Lagoon, the local amusement park. I will bring healthy snacks. I will not go nutso on the amusement park food. I did that at Disneyland, I can skip it at Lagoon. I will make wise choices at dinner. I might eat at their Subway, or I might eat somewhere else, but I will write it down. I'm picturing how I want this day to go, so I have a mental plan.

Any psychics out there? Have any idea where my nice swimming suit is? I can't find it and I have looked EVERYWHERE. I found the skirt that goes with it, but not my suit. I got it last year and have wore it once or twice. It was not an inexpensive suit by any means at all, either. I spent $150 on the suit and skirt, and I think I looked OK in it. It actually supported me, which my old suit does not do so well. Oh well. I can't afford to go buy a new one, since hopefully sometime soon I'll need a smaller size.

1 comment:

sarrrah said...

losing weight sucks, I know the feeling trust me. *needs to start sticking to a diet so I don't succumb to the "freshman fifteen"*

oh, i needed to drop this link off for you. :)

Nicu Blinkies