
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

News Flash

Extra, Extra, Read all about it. Wendy had a baby.

So I know that is not news to anyone else. Seems to me that I forgot it.

Elections are coming up. I have always been very politically active. I am known to walk neighborhoods, pass out fliers, sit in booths, the whole thing.

I felt bad I had done nothing, so I went and volunteered to pass out fliers. Up until now, all the campaigns I have volunteered for have been very well organized, and fairly well funded. UMMM.... These guys are running as democrats in Davis County, so really no on both counts. They gave me some fliers, to pass out to registered democrats.

So, anyone else remember that the time changed last weekend and it is now dark at 5:30. Anyone else notice it got cold? Yeah, everyone else but me.

So tonight, Halloween no less, I bundle myself and Sydney up for some flier passing out. I drive to the area, to learn the addresses on my list are in no order. I don't have a map of the streets either. I try to find where to start, while dodging trick or treaters. It's now dark and cold. No street lights either. I find the first house, and figure I'll deliver to all the homes on that block.

I get Sydney out of the car seat, grab the fliers, and head out. I deliver to ONE house before I realize how ridiculous this is, and give up. I nearly dropped the fliers and tripped. I go back to the car, load Syd up again, and come home.

So I just ignored what is clear to everyone else. I had a baby and my life has changed for the better. I just have to wait a couple of years for flier passing out, or do this when her daddy is not beyond swamped with his ROTC disaster project, so he can either help or watch her.

I was pushing myself to do too much. I wish I could pass the fliers out, but with everything going on, I can't.

Sydney was very patient through all this. Wendy just needed to learn some things change, and that she does not have to do it all.


Faith said...

Wendy, I'm sure it's from reading this point last night while I was procrastinating my packing that led to a really insane dream. I was living in Utah again, and had gotten involved in working elections. Joe and I were supposed to go into the neighborhoods and mark the houses where people had voted with a chalk X on their garage. And I was frantically trying to get to work on time, and some person kept trying to get me to say who/what I had voted for, and I kept telling her that I thought voting was private. And then she showed me what was on the ballot, and it was about Dancing With the Stars (which I've never seen), and other equally inane things. I was actually relieved to wake up.

I'm voting next week for a candidate who has probably zero chance of getting elected. But I have decided that any time I vote for someone because I'd rather that person get elected than another person, even though the person I vote for isn't who I truly want to vote for, I have wasted my vote. So yes, Texans, I am voting for Kinky Friedman for governor!

There is a time and a season for everything, Wendy, and right now is the time for you to enjoy with your Sydney bean. Bring her up to be an independent thinker, and someone who will get out and get involved in things, and you are continuing to do a good work!!!

WendyLou said...

Nice to know I sparked a topic for you to dream about!

I almost always vote for the person not likely to win, because I INSIST on voting for democrats in Utah. I did campaign for one democrat who won, but that was only because the republican he was up against got indited for a felony or 2. Last time I voted for a Rebuplican, he even lost. (The demo running was a complete and utter moron.) Maybe I'm the curse.... Maybe I SHOULD have voted for GWB.

After what Kerry said the other day, I want my vote for him back. I wanna vote for Nader.

I do happen to LOVE Dancing with the stars.....

I took the fliers back, they wanted me to do some other things. Basically I cannot help between now and Tuesday. I felt bad, but I said no.

The most fun campaigning was on a campaign where both the DNC and the RNC were throwing tons of money into the campaign. That was fun.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Dawn. Yep, things change completely when you have a kid. You have better things to do now. You just have to learn to say "no" without feeling too bad. I hate winter and the time change and it getting dark early and yucky weather. Ugh!!

Faith said...

I told my sister that I was wondering what you thought of Kerry's comment, but I was out of town and didn't feel like paying $10 a day for internet access. Some people have a positive gift for inserting their Bruno Magli shoes into their mouths, don't they?!

Nicu Blinkies