
Monday, February 19, 2007

Changes in comment policy

You may or may not have noticed that I have changed the comment policy on my blog.

I'm sorry, but you will now have to be a member of the blogger community and log on to comment. You will have to sign your user name.

I don't want to do this, but my blog was just hit with a very nasty comment, left anon of course.

It's attached to my Senseless Horror post.

I have no problems with disagreement. I have a problem with people leaving spiteful and hurtful comments and me not have a way to respond to them. I can't go email you. I can't even go leave a nasty message on their blog.

I'm a big believer in accountability. I ALWAYS sign my name, or post that I'm too lazy to sign in, on people who have not switched to the new blogger, and post my user name there.

BTW, to the person who posted that hurtful message. I'm so glad that you are perfect. I would rather not be homeless and hungry. I work so we have a home, food and health insurance. Are you a perfect parent? I work because I can, and I will not apologize for enjoying my work. I went to college so I could get a good job where my labor matters. I'd love to be a SAHM, but that is not in the cards right now, and frankly I'm not ever sure it will be. I REFUSE to become my mom, 50 something with NO retirement. I'm vested in my employers pension with over 5 figures in my 401K. Anon poster, what are your plans for the future?

I do care for my miracle daughter. I do love her. So what if I work? Do you judge my husband for going to college?

I'm not gross. I'm stuck between being self-sufficient or being on welfare. As an educated able bodied American, I chose to go to work and earn a living, not suck off the system. Anonymous poster.... Are you one of those family's with a SAHM who is on food stamps, housing assistance, getting food from the food bank, getting aid from the church when both parents have the ability to be gainfully employed and self supporting but you stay home rather than go to work to take care of your own family and prove a point? Did daddy write you a big check? Do you work? Not everyone can make it on one income. Not everyone can stay home.

Anon poster, you are an ass. If you are going to post something like that, be an adult and sign your name. Thanks for posting that, you coward who does not feel the need to identify yourself.

I love my daughter very much. My going to work provides for her physical needs. If I stayed home, I would be very irresponsible and stressed out, as I'd have NO money. I'm the breadwinner. Thanks for the drive by shooting.

HOW DARE YOU QUESTION MY LOVE FOR MY DAUGHTER??? I'm well aware there is a loud mouthed talk show host who shall not be named because she spreads hate who states day care is abusive and that WOHM's are evil. I'm not evil. DD is NOT abused at her day care. Real life is more than a 30 second phone call where the host passes judgement and hate based on the little information she allows the caller to give.

Who do you think you are to post something a nasty as that on my space? Who appointed you judge of my parenting skills based on ONE aspect of how I mother, my working out of the home?

My husband also wants me to let you know that he thinks you're an ass and a coward.

Anon poster.... If you wish to discuss this further, please have the intestinal fortitude and sign your name.

Oh, BTW, most of my know readers are women who are employed. Most work out of the home. I think, anon poster, you wandered into the hornets nest when you chose this blog to post your spite.


Faith said...

Wendy, that is absolutely un-frickin-belivable. I cannot believe that someone is so harsh and judgemental. But I suppose that for some people it's quite easy to be that judgemental, and that harsh, if it can be done anonymously. What a coward.

I'm sorry you had to get that on your blog. For what it's worth, I know what you've gone through to get your miracle daughter here, and I know how you love and care for her. I respect and admire and love you.


Bryan R. Terry said...

I'm so sorry that happened Wendy. (This is NCD from MDC, BTW - boy that was a lot of acronyms PDQ!) What a horribly insensitive thing to do.

It's easy for people to attack from anonymity. It's easy for people to attack without all the facts. It's east to attack someone for some sort of percieved shortcoming. In short, it's easy to be a coward.

What is hard is taking a public stand on something you feel strongly about, and I think you should feel quite proud of the stance you have taken and not backed down from and - hear me out - I think you should be proud of the reaction you have illicited from the Anonymous @$$hole, it means you affected them and shook their world a little (not that their reaction is laudible, its a truly reprehensible and cowardly act).

[Also, if you haven't already taken the step, it is possible to make the comments unavailable on line until you approve them. That's what I had to do because I started getting too many spam comments. FWIW.]

barefoot mama said...

Ugh. How awful! I'm sorry that person left such an awful comment! It's easy to say things when no one knows who you are.

I know you love your babe. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Wendy, I just found your site through ChaucerianGirl and this was the first post I looked at. I am absolutely amazed that someone would be that judgemental on something that is none of their business. If you choose to work out of the home, that is your choice, no one else's. I was raised by a single mother who worked 60 hour weeks out of the home and I turned out just fine. I think that having a mother that works shows a child not only that you are smart, thus being successful in a career, and that he or she can do the same. I say, cheers to you for loving your job! And forget about the ignorant jerks of the world that believe everything is their way or the highway.

Amanda http://www.apatchworkofbooks.blogspot.com

Nicu Blinkies