
Saturday, August 13, 2005

Bored Saturday

I have tons I should do, but I'm not. I'm rather bored.

I posted this on a BB I am on. I just want to raise my voice in protest.

My opinion....
The American people were lied to. Starting this was rushed, and the Adminsitration did not care that they were ticking off the entire world. Had they tried a little diplomacy with countries which are usually American Allies, I think we could have got more help.
I think they really thought that the people would greet the Americans with open arms, and failed to plan for the time after they had control. Are we doing good things there? Yes. Are we doing bad things there? Yes (ie. Abu Gahrab) Are we forgetting many examples of the past? Yes. I am worried we are forcing our culture and values on them, just as America tried to do with the Native Americans in the name of Manifest Destiny.

We should NEVER have gone there. Bush is headed to my town next week. Guess who has the day off and plans to head there with my stop Bush sign? ME!

HOWEVER, we are there now. I HATE to say this, but we CANNOT just up and leave. The job must be finished. I wish they would remember that we have lots of bombs and bomb the smack out of the insurgents. Mine the border with Syria and stop in influx of Terrorists. One of my big angers with how this war is being run is that I believe that too many soldiers are dying because they are too busy trying to fight a politically correct war, which is impossible to do.

Example... The checker at the BX stated her son is over there. He builds buildings with cement. What is a key ingredient in cement? Sand. What do they have an endless supply of over there? Sand? Why is her son spending a lot of time playing X-Box? Because the sand there is HOLY SAND, and they cannot use it to build. They are waiting for sand to be shipped to Iraq, so they can build a mess which will become a school when they leave. We are shipping SAND to the SAND BOX! BTW, He is in Iraq, not Mecca or any place like that. Oh, and the Iraqi, they us the sand to build everything. We are so worried about how to treat the Koran, we have forgotten that war is hell.

I 100% support the soldiers. My support for them is strong and fast. It is the president and his administration for which I have no trust or support.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." — President Theodore Roosevelt

There are some who feel that because my DH is in the Army, I am mandated to agree with the president. I disagree.

Had a lovely night with DH last night. He is such a kind and giving man. It was an amazing night. I love him even more each day. (Sappy, I know)

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