
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Bush and Babies

Again, the Bush adminstration is admitting they failed to plan for the so-called peace after the invasion. To read the story, click here. I am so angry at the way Americans were lied too. I cannot believe that there are people out there who still support Bush.

On to another topic, I want to know when I became my husband's personal errand runner. So this is drill weekend. He ran out of here late, after spending several hours packing his gear for a hike today. He KNEW he needed to get his PT (exercise uniform) ready, because he had me wash it. Well, guess what he forgot... his running shoes. So he calls me at 8:00 (on a Sunday, no less) and asks me to bring them down. I really wanted to say no, I'm not driving to Salt Lake City to drop off your shoes. This is a 2 hour round trip. But if I don't he gets into trouble. He wanted me to get them there by noon. Well.... I read a magazine and fell asleep. So I get ready to go, and leave about noon. He calls me as I am leaving, and was a bit unhappy they were not there already. However, he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut, because he already knew I was close to saying no. I drive down there, and give him the shoes. He is really nice to me, and tells me that I look really good. I give him his shoes, and he gave me a kiss. I really love him which is a good thing, or I would so fed up. This is the second time I have had to drive to SLC because he forgot something, but last time I had to drive way south and it was a 3 hour round trip.

Last week I was REALLY pushing him to TTC. He said no. I'm doing Weight Watchers, and still have about 30 pounds to go. I want to have a baby now. So I pushed him, and he said yes. Then I read an article about how to prepare to get pregnant, and now I am saying wait. I need to get on the prenatals, get my teeth bleached, get my vaccines updated, etc. I really should lose about 10 or 20 more pounds. I am just tired of waiting to try again. Maybe next month we will TTC. Right now, back on the Yasmin.

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Nicu Blinkies