
Thursday, September 15, 2005

The War is Over!!!!

I'm declaring the war in Iraq over. "Mission Accomplished" We've "stayed the course". We've searched high and low for the weapons of mass distraction, oops distraction. None found. Saddam is done. Once they have a constitution, we need to just pack up and leave. No more dead Americans. No more flag draped coffins. No more wounded men, men and women who are at their prime, and come home with half their limbs. No more soldiers coming home and going out of their minds because of the PTSD. No more tearful goodbyes and separations so that the soldiers can go fight jihad.

The chief idiot in charge won't do it, so I will. State the mission is done. The problem is that since no one knows what the goal is, no one knows when they have reached it. Is the goal a constitution? Is the goal running water and power to everyone? Is the goal a TV in every room, two cars in the driveway, and endless discussion because the Iraqi version of Brittany Spears had a baby with her trailer trash husband? What is the goal?

John Lennon did it, and now I am. The war is over. No one won. Everyone lost something, some lost all. Everyone on the first plane home.

Our beloved president recently said "When your talking about war, your talking about peace." Right. He was itching to start a war since he was elected. If he could, he would invade Canada. He's love to start another war to distract the people. We are now dealing with his failed response to hurricane Katrina, so I think it is time to "wag the dog" and start some new battle elsewhere to distract us all from the fact that one of the largest cities in the USA turned into a third world. He tried tonight in his speech in front of a building that looked like he was standing in front of the castle at Disneyland. He tried to recapture the leadership and strength he demonstrated when he stood on the rubble and told the fire fighters he could hear them. He failed.

Did you notice his "my sleeves are rolled up and I left my tie on the plane" blue oxford? Did you notice how wrinkle free and pressed that shirt looked? It looked freshly starched and pressed. Did you notice the lack of sweat on that shirt? He is in New Orleans for crying out loud. It is humid and hot there. Did you notice how perfectly his sleeves were rolled up? No shuzzing there. All show, no substance. We have seen him all messed up clearing brush on his ranch, why is he not proud of a dirty sweaty shirt when he is helping others?

Anyway, the war is over. We lost it when he was given the presidency by the Supreme Court, and when he was re-elected.

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Nicu Blinkies