
Tuesday, January 16, 2007


So I've never watched this show before.

Why I decided to I'll never know. Reason is I now have a new show to obsess over.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE 24. It is such a good show. Spellbinding, totally engrossing show. I just want to hurry up and see where this goes. It's like a great Tom Clancy novel or movie.

Vince and I are about to get season 1 at the video store to start catching up. Seems the show is on season 6, so we have about (5*24=120) 120 hours to catch up on. Yikes, and work too?

Link to What I've learned from Jack Bauer

On a serious note, this made me so very grateful that my life has personally been spared the harm of terrorism. They like to torture on that show, and I realized that terrorists don't care.

I looked and my precious baby in my arms and had to gasp. I hope no one ever tortures her. I want to protect her from the evil that exists in this world. An evil that hates us because of the freedoms we have.

I'm blessed that no one I know died on 9-11. Just what would I do if I'm on a plane with Sydney and it is hijacked? How do I protect her there? How do I protect her from the hate in this world, the evil, and ugly? How do I teach her to trust, when there are people trying to smuggle explosives onto planes in Gatorade bottles? How do I teach her that her fellow humans are mostly good, when there are men who slash the throats of flight attendants?

The president in 24 is an incompetent wuss. He actually negotiated with terrorists, after being burned once. Seems art is imitating life here, no?

This show has lead me to some soul searching. Oh, I'll keep watching it as I'm hooked, but now I worry as well.

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the awesome responsibility that parenting is. It's more than keeping her from rolling off the bed. It's worrying about terrorists, dirty bombs, global warming. No, I'm not going off the deep end here, just something that I've not thought of. Don't expect me to go live in a cave anytime soon, just what I'm thinking today.

This parenting thing is huge. It is worrisome. It is wonderful. It is scary.

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Nicu Blinkies