
Friday, January 12, 2007

8 months

Tomorrow my DD will be 8 months old.

8 months since my world changed.
8 months since I heard that tiny cry.
8 months since I went on the NICU roller coaster.
8 months worrying am I doing this right?
8 months with this now fading scar on my belly.
8 months holding my baby, snuggling with by baby.
8 months of seeing a whole different side of DH.
8 months of pumping.

I cannot believe she is 8 months old.

Sorry for the silence. I have tons to say. Please don't give up on me.


Faith said...

I haven't given up, sugar, I'm here every day just checking to see if you've said anything more. I know you've got plenty to say!!! Hugs to you and your family!!

Plant Girl said...

I haven't given up either. Checking in almost daily to see how you and Sydney are doing.

Hard to believe she's 8 months old already. Time certainly flies. Just think of all the wonderful memories you've acquired in this time!

Nicu Blinkies