
Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Well today is the day.

Today Vince learns if he earns a commission or not.

I'm terribly nervous.

I'm very glad that the sword hanging over us will fall. I'm very glad that the anxiety, the worry, and the stress will be over, no matter what his commander decides. I'm trying to focus on today, not worry about the what ifs, but I'm not doing too well on that point.

As for Syd and her sleeping.... ROFLOL.

Last night I kept her up all evening. It was a fight to keep her up from 9 to 10. At 10 I got her ready for bed and she went to sleep. I'm so tired I collapsed as well. We were both asleep before 10:30. I was very excited thinking she would actually sleep all night.

Ummm... No.

She woke up at 1:30 and stayed that way. I got some sleep on the couch.

CIO starts tonight. One thing I realized is that I need to feed her heavy foods before she sleeps, because she wakes up hungry. So I'll feed her pediasure, turkey, and baby cereal, then she can go to sleep. And she stays in her bed for the rest of the night. I'm setting up the small crib my mom gave me tonight. Oh, and she is sleeping in another room other than mine as well. I love my baby, but this sleeping like crap has to stop. She and I both need this to stop. It is draining all my resources.

On to my mom. Yes she needs to STFU. I'm well aware she does not think I'm a skilled mom at getting Syd to sleep. What we had been doing had been working until about a month ago, then it all went to hell. I'm trying to do what I think is best. I now think this course of action is best for us.

Oh.... she offered to have me move in with her while Vince is gone. She said I'd save the money I'd spend on rent, and can put my things in storage. Yeah. NO. NOT HAPPENING. I have to have my space to parent. I don't believe in parenting by committee, which is what it was when I lived there last year. Parenting by committee, a committee I was not on because I disagreed with them. I need to parent her, My mom needs to grandparent her, and my sisters need to aunt her. Sheesh. I don't need that pressure. I hated living there. It was really bad. And she wants me to do it for 6 months???? SOOOOOOOOO not happening.

So please pray for Vince today, and for me and Syd tonight.


Plant Girl said...

Parenting is trial and error. You have to find what works for you. I came into being a mom saying, "I'd never do this", "I'll never do that" and I've found that sometimes it all goes out the window.

No need to apologize to me for things that were said in the past.

Goodluck tonight! I don't have any suggestions but am hoping that you find a solution!

Faith said...

You know, with Joe now traveling for work, I'm gaining even more appreciation for military families. I know I'm blessed to be able to see him every two weeks for a few days, even if I don't like knowing that he's going to be gone until/through January, per the current plans. But I don't want anyone moving in, and wouldn't want to move in with anyone else. I think you're quite right to put your foot down and take care of your family. Sydney needs you, she doesn't need your mother, and from the looks of it, you don't need your mother interfering either. I'm so glad you got some well-needed good news. You're in my thoughts.


Nicu Blinkies