
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Getting ready

I'm so stressed.

Short on time.
Too much to do.

Yup, that covers it.

Vince leaves Saturday. Insert bawling smilie here. There is so much he needs to do. He has been acting like money grows on trees. I've FINALLY gotten him to stop spending, I hope. He just wants to have EVERYTHING NOW.

What I try to point out is that
1) He is not going to kingdom come. There is a fully stocked BX where he is going.
2) He can still purchase stuff he needs there when he gets there.
3) Things he cannot purchase there, he can go online and get later when we can afford this.
4) Things he cannot purchase there or online, I can go buy and ship (read LDS garments.) He does however have PLENTY, trust me PLENTY of those, he just wants all new ones because they have an all new military kind.

I just hate dealing with money and him. If I gently suggest that we can't afford that right now or he needs to wait, he gets upset sometimes and says he won't get it ever. I think a big part of this difference in attitudes is how we were raised. I was raised middle to upper middle class. There were times (many times) things were lean, but I never went hungry, and I almost always had what I needed, and usually most of what I wanted as well. If my mom said she could not afford the New Kids on the Block tape I wanted now, but I could have it after pay day, I knew I would get it unless I ticked her off. I grew up in stable homes in nice neighborhoods. Vince was raised in poverty, pure and simple. His dad did not pay child support. His mom worked multiple minimium wage jobs. I'm sure there was a lot he did not get because of money. Different experiences, different ways of looking at money.

Anyway, he leaves Saturday. I'm taking some of today and all of tomorrow off.

Oh, and Sydney is sleeping at my mom's tonight. I'm worried about her being gone, but Vince and I do need time alone to get ready to go. She is an active healthy baby, and chasing her is something we do a lot of. We will actually be able to get things that need to get done with her being gone. I'll also be able to get a good nights sleep. It will be the first time she will spend the night away from me since she came home. I hope this goes ok.

I'm getting worried and upset about him leaving. Vince is having a hard time leaving. He says it is harder this time. He feels like he and Sydney just got into a grove, and now he has to leave.

I'm planning on flying to see him at least once, but can't book airfare until we get some money.

Well then, I just blogged about money because I don't want to talk about him leaving. Great coping skills there.


Plant Girl said...

Hugs to you right now! I'll be thinking of you frequently over the next couple of days, hoping that things are going as well as they can be.

You have my utmost respect as a military wife. Thank you, and Vince, for the sacrifices you both are making! May his time away fly by and he may be home with you and Sydney quickly.

Anonymous said...

Wendy, hoping he stays safe and all goes well with Syd at grandma's. Enjoy your quiet time with hubby and a full night sleep. Hope you pdate on the Preemie forum!!!!

Faith said...

I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way and keeping you in my prayers. ((hugs))

Faith said...

Hey, Wendy. Did you know I check this site every weekday, to see if you've posted? I'm worried about you--please let us know how you guys are!!!! love you--


Nicu Blinkies