
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Down day

Syd's sleeping is not going well. She cries for about 20 minutes, sleeps for about an hour, lather rinse repeat. It is very hard. I've started talking to her about sleeping and preparing her for it. It is just hard. I want to say thanks for all the tips and ideas people have sent me, I really appreciate them. Things are improved over my I'm losing it post, but they are still a challenge. I'm worried she is having nightmares, because she wakes up screaming as if she is scared. Now she goes to sleep very easy at day care. DCP says she plays a little than goes to sleep. UGG WHY can she do it there, but not at home?

I'm down today. The overwhelming burden of Vince leaving is hitting me like a ton of bricks. I'm pretty near crying right now. I restarted the Wellbutrin today. I've been off for a couple of months and have done fine, but I'm worried about what will come. So I'm being proactive and restarting the meds.

17 days until he leaves. I keep reminding myself that this is a good thing, at least he is not in Baghdad, blah, blah, blah, but I also keep thinking... My Lover is leaving for 6 freaking months. (I'd swear but I'm posting from work.) That is the overwhelming part right now. 6 MONTHS. I know the time will pass because it always does, but that's where I am right now. The anticipatory grief one has before a big loss occurs.

Thanks for reading. It means a lot to me.

Oh, and Trista, I'll work on the blinkies.


Faith said...

No advice here, just lots of love.

Nina said...

I was just searching for deployment blinkies and I found your blog. Best wishes to you and your family! My husband is deployed (baghdad actually) and has been gone for 13 months now. We're almost done just counting down the weeks at this point.

I truly can't believe how much stronger this has made all of us. I thought we were pretty darn strong to begin with lol. Seeing his face again will be worth every bit of blood, sweat and tears put into the last year. We have a daughter who can NOT wait to see her daddy again! He left before her 2nd birthday and is just about to miss her 3rd b-day as well.

Some days will be harder then others, hang in there! And like I said before, I wish you and your family the best.

Nicu Blinkies