
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The staple remover by the copier.

WHY can people not leave communal office supplies in the communal area? In my office, we have a staple remover which is NEVER by the copier. The stapler is always missing too. I don't work in a penny pinching office, we get what we need. If someone needs a staple remover, they can ask for one. Same with the stapler, tape dispenser, etc.

Where I work, we use company cars. The rule is to fill them up at half a tank. This is so that in an emergency, the state has a fleet of half full cars, rather than a fleet of cars on E. We are all busy where I work. It is a regular occurrence to find the cars below half.

In another office, someone constantly took the three hole punch from my desk. I needed to use it several times a day. First I put a do not remove sign on it. It grew legs and wandered off. Then I used some yarn to tie it to my desk. Someone cut the yarn I ended up using wire to attach it to my desk. That finally left it in place.

It comes down to a lack of common courtesy. People think they need something, and don't want to be bothered getting it the right way. They don't think of the person who comes after them. They don't remember their manners. They just think about what is in their best interests. They are busy, so they will take the easy path.

Maybe we could remember what we learned in school. Share. Wash your hands. Be thoughtful. Think of others. Be kind.


Trista said...

Hey Wendy, I put a link to your site on mine. I hope you don't mind...

WendyLou said...

I don't mind. Some one State Shift found my blog and read it! Yippee. When I figure out how to do links, I'm linking to yours.

Trista said...

Wendy, if you want people to keep reading your blog you have to update it! I do links through blogrolling.com

Nicu Blinkies