
Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I am so sorry for the crappy job I have been doing updating my blog. Basically my old computer is a POS and keeps crashing. I have written a couple of updates, but they just get eaten. Or.... Blogger says my cookies are disabled because of memory problems. So here is the update, I am sorry for the silence.

  1. I'm still pregnant. I'm 32 weeks, 5 days. Thursday is 33 weeks.
  2. I have twice weekly Non stress tests, and a weekly appointment with either the OB or a specialist. I had the steroid shots weeks ago.
  3. She is looking ok right now. She is about 3.5 weeks behind in her development. Her head is only a half week behind, which is nothing. Her abdomen is 3 weeks behind, and her femur is 6 weeks behind. I am joking I am having a troll doll, with the big head and tiny legs. The good thing about that is we can assume that her brain is on track developmentally.
  4. Still SICK of the bed rest. I am re-reading the Harry Potter series. Up to book 5 now. I have discovered that my OB is a huge Harry Potter fan as well, and we had a chat about Snape and Dumbledore. (I don't want to spoil book 6 for anyone who has not read it.) She and I are in disagreement on the issue BTW. I was reading book 5 during my NST.
  5. I will likely deliver by planned c-section in week 34 or 35. Because of the concerns of placental failure or abruption, we will be delivering early. About week 35 the risks of these life threatening complications becomes astronomical. They are pretty high right now.
  6. My mom is driving me CRAZY!!!!! I can stand up to my husband, his mother, my boss, my boss's boss, judges, attorneys, child abusing pyschos, Qwest, the rude clerk at the grocery store, but not her. I am just going into scared teenager mode with her. Any one else out there with a controlling mom?
  7. Hopefully I will purchase a new computer soon, and will trash this POS.
  8. My PDA also refuses to connect to my wireless network, so unless I'm willing to sit in our office chair, also known as a CIA torture device, I'm not online much.
  9. I hate OPRAH and Martha. They are SO preachy. Maury with his paternity questions, that is quality entertainment.
  10. I still don't show. With my doctor's permission, I went nursing bra shopping today. The clerk wanted to know how long I was nursing. I bought a stroller car seat combo. I was asked if they are a gift. I'm not being vain. This is a painful issue for me. I just look fat, and I am 8 months pregnant, damn it. I show if I sit down, or if my belly is showing for a test or something like that. If ONE more person tells me how good I look, I'll scream. A pregnant woman is not supposed to look thin.
  11. The tabloids (a personal secret hobby of mine) are ruined because of this. Freaking Angelina is running all over Africa helping starving children while I lay in bed. Katie Holmes was shoe shopping for $500 shoes the day before she delivered. Both women show, and looked ready to pop. I can still wear non maternity shirts and pants with a soft waist band.

All in all, I am very lucky. She is still cooking, and they have been worried about her coming for 10 weeks now. I have had good medical care, and am at peace with what is going on. I just had to whine a little.

A small little girl is kicking my bladder now, so I need to log off. Thanks to everyone who checked for an update.


Rachelle said...

Glad to hear all is going well! I've been worried about you. I'm sorry bed rest sucks, but soon she will be here and it will all be worth it. You are strong and amazing for going through this with the courage and faith you have shown!

Faith said...

I'm so glad you were able to update. I've been trying not to pester Trista for news any more than I already have. Don't let your mom get you down. I'm still prying for you, as always!

Kristin, Rod, and Victoria said...

Thanks for the update - I've been checking almost daily wondering how you and little Sydney are doing.

About being the first to hold your little one... Even tho my peanut was over 10 weeks early, they still took the time to lay her on my chest so we could have a quick moment to bond before she was whisked away to the NICU. I'm so glad to hear you've made it so far. Each day inside you helps Sydney TONS!!

Stay strong. You never know - the measurements might be way off for her. How many times have people been told they're estimating they'll have a 10lb. baby and an 8-pounder comes out? It's not an exact science. (((hugs)))

Plant Girl said...

So glad to see an update. I've asked Trista how you were doing as well. Will continue to keep the 3 of you in my thoughts, hoping for the best! Don't let your mom get to you, you have to do what's best for you and the baby, not her! Goodluck!

Anonymous said...

Hun, I am so sorry that you are having so much trouble with your mom. I feel for you. And your little one will be okay. I also live in Clearfield and had to go to the U 2 times a week and to my regular ob 2 times a week for the last 2 months of my pregnancy. I had my daughter at 36wks though. She began measuring small right around 26wks I believe. For the longest time I blamed the peri at the U because I had almost NO amniotic fluid and he acted like it was no big deal. Now that my daughter is 14months old, we have discovered the reason for the IUGR - she has Neurofibromatosis, which caused the IUGR. So she looks like she is about 6 months old and can only sit up, but nothing else, including rolling over.
Count your lucky stars though. These babies that start out fighting are so special (of course the other babies are too) and very strong.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. If you ever need anything, email me anytime....

Nicu Blinkies