
Tuesday, January 24, 2006


So Faith tagged me on this one, so here goes. And no Trista, I have not forgotten about your tag long ago. You are next.

Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
  1. Certified Nurses Assistant in a Nursing home: Paid for college
  2. Dishwasher at a catering company: Paid under the table and one free Snapple a shift.
  3. Security dispatcher at an amusement park: What Fun is not.
  4. Child Welfare Social Worker: My current occupation with loads of stress to go along.

Four movies you could watch over and over:

  1. Sound of Music
  2. Pirates of the Caribbean
  3. Thomas Crown Affair
  4. Princess Bride

Four TV shows you love to watch:

  1. ER
  2. Commander in Chief (Woman Power!)
  3. CSI (re-runs included)
  4. Grey's Anatomy

Four places you’ve been on vacation:

  1. Monterrey Bay
  2. San Francisco
  3. Acapulco, Mexico
  4. Bear Lake, Utah

Four websites you (try to) visit daily:

  1. Salt Lake Tribune
  2. Blogs to the Left on my screen
  3. Web Cams at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. (My favorite is the bay camera)
  4. http://www.Msnbc.com News Junkie here

Four of your favorite foods (foods I am craving with this pregnancy) :

  1. Raviolis with Marinara
  2. Fry sauce
  3. Enchilada Sauce
  4. Apple sauce and Juice

Four places you’d rather be:

  1. Home
  2. Hawaii
  3. Monterrey Bay
  4. On a cruise

Four albums you can’t live without: (Only 4??)

  1. White Album
  2. "Mo Tab's" Consider the Lilies of the Field.
  3. Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack
  4. Mozart CD.

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Nicu Blinkies